Wednesday 19 January 2022


In a life where staying still

is not an option,

we are all ephemera.


To laugh at oneself

is the key to life.



…at the absurdity of your plans…

…at the opinions which you hold tighter

than a soldier would a gun in battle…

…at your serious face, as it does that

mask thing…

…at your glittering career, whose trajectory

no one but you is interested in, or even aware of.


Have you ever laughed (or cringed)!

at the embarrassment of old photos?

   But you are an old photo now

   (it’s just that the time has not yet passed).

1 comment:

  1. On leaving Probus87
    The poet has left the building
    He did not stand on the order of his going
    Not knowing if his words had disturbed the ancients from their amonite slumber
    They were celebrating a worn out creed
    Did his words break in on their revelry ?
    Did he set a spark, kindle a flame?

    Yes - definitely - what a talent -Probus87 will be inviting Fergus back again 😊
