Friday 30 August 2019


So, there I was, innovating my new karate move,
Owl Double Scissor Attack in the Face,
when I found myself, as so often I do,
in a parallel universe,
standing, bloody-handed and breathless,
in front of an actual owl,
with two actual pairs of scissors
sticking out of its actual face,
looking like some sort of spectacled owl whimsy,
(if you can imagine the scene
without all of the horrific carnage, that is),
when who should walk in but the sewing maid,
and, call it coincidence, or serendipity,
or even synchronicity (if you’re a fan of Carl Jung),
but just the previous day I’d been working on
Scissor the Sewing Maid in the Back While You’re At It,
a fiendishly complex manoeuvre
involving scissors, a sewing maid, and a back,
and I just had to see if it worked –
which, as you can see, it did, officer.

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