Wednesday 11 September 2019

Lost Flyers

The advertising noticeboard inside
a local shop displays its homemade flyers
appealing to the public. ‘Have you seen
this dog?’ reads one.  ‘A much-loved family pet;
was last seen leaving Barclays Bank about
a week ago, armed with a shotgun; answers
to Billy Knuckles (may have had a cat
accomplice – doesn’t answer to the name
of Psycho Cattus Est, but you can try).
Reward: two hundred grand in counterfeit
fifty-pound notes; a guarantee of witness
protection.’ ‘Have you seen this horse?’ another
asks. ‘It’s a horse. Last seen hobbling at Aintree
two weeks ago: tall, male, horsey, three-legged
(the other one is wooden); suffers from
an allergy to whips – leather and walnut;
likes fences; is a horse. New information
which leads us to our Horse (the horse’s name
is Horse) will get you a cast-iron tip for
the three-fifteen at Kempton Park (please don’t
send tins of dog-food; it isn’t funny).’
The board is full of similar requests
for vigilance: ‘a worthless family heirloom’;
‘looks like a duck; walks like a duck; quacks’;
‘do not approach – he may be packing heat’;
and at the bottom of the board, a barely
legible scrawl, written in tears and blood: ‘LOST!
One Brexit referendum; property
of Brussels; please return (no cash reward).’

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