To the tune of the
verse of ‘Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off!’
You say ‘toilet’
and I run screaming,
You say ‘pardon’
and I say, ‘It’s “what?” you pleb.’
Toilet, screaming,
Pardon, pleb.
Let’s all be ghastly toffs.
You say ‘patio’
and I say, ‘Or, as we call it in England, “terrace”’
You say ‘settee’
and I mutter something about ‘even World
of Sofas can get it right...’
Patio, terrace,
Settee, World of Sofas.
Let’s all be ghastly toffs.
You say lounge and
I wince,
You say serviette
and I apologise for laughing in your face.
Lounge, wince,
Serviette, laugh
in your face
Let’s all be ghastly toffs.
You say ‘dinner’
and I say, ‘Really? At lunchtime? How daringly avant-garde!’
You say ‘sweet’
and I say, ‘Frankly, I just give up, I really do.’
Sweet, give up.
Let’s all be ghastly toffs!