Tuesday 5 May 2020


This inevitable life is a disappointment thing,
moving unembarrassed in the middle of the dancefloor,
flailing its arms to What Difference Does It Make?
as if it were only yesterday.
Having taken a toke on top of a few drinks,
the drive back home was with a fully wound down window,
the airstream a mask of semi-sobriety.
‘What are we doing in this little word temple
thirty-five years later?’
Did anyone else remember that forgettable evening?
Nothing happened, as far as my memory would have it,
apart from the dance floor clearing
while I made my way onto it,
and failed to dance,
but failed to dance like no one was looking.
Why would such a memory sustain?
Maybe it was the first one of those very rare occasions
when I danced in public to The Smiths, intoxicated,
while everyone else took part in the dance floor exodus.
Thank God for Morrissey,
or I wouldn’t have known how to move;
how to make myself look like a desperate one,
accepting my magnificently miserable awkwardness.
How easy it was not to care about anything at all.

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