Thursday 28 December 2017

The Wisdom of King Solomon

was not in finding out the child’s true mother
but knowing that the child should stay with her
and not some grasping, lying, phoney other.

[After Reading David Barnabas Hughes' Master's Dissertation on 'Philomena']


  1. nice to see you got something worthwhile out of it Fergus.if anyone thinks that it is unthinkable for a newborn to be permanently severed from its mother rather than coming to the aid of the mother then think again. one wouldn't think one would have to be as wise as Solomon to know that, but clearly from the way of this world it is precisely the case. for better or worse blood should remain with the most immediate blood by every means available, and there should always be means for this simple obvious straightforward objective to be realised rather tha resorting to the wholly untenable expedient of farming newborns out to strangers

  2. the true identity of a mother or father as precisely that is altogether beyond any question; who conceived the child? who generated the child? how can the answers to such questions be evaded by the 'adoption' system?
